Interesting facts about Cleopatra


Interesting facts about Cleopatra

Cleopatra – the last queen of Hellenistic Egypt, a femme fatale, the most famous person in the world, poetess, pharmacist, researcher. And until now the story of life, love and tragic death of the queen has not been fully solved.

For more than two thousand years the image of Cleopatra has been shrouded in a romantic aura of mystery. However, in spite of all this, ancient and modern historians agree on one thing: the Egyptian queen was intelligent, overbearing, charming, bold, insightful woman who could speak seven languages, was the author of books on philosophy, units of weight, measurements and the coin system, as well as books on hair and cosmetics.

Cleopatra is celebrated for centuries not only because of her political activities and attempts to save Egypt from the Romans. The Egyptian queen is known for her love affair with the general Julius Caesar, as well as her dramatic love story with the Roman general Mark Antony. It is these historical facts that formed the basis of many movies and literary works.

Cleopatra lived a full and bright life and died on August 12 of 30 B.C., she poisoned herself with snake venom after her defeat at the battle of Aktium. In memory of the great Egyptian queen and a unique woman, we offer to know the most interesting facts about Cleopatra’s life.

Interesting fact #1
At the age of 18, Cleopatra marries her 9-year-old brother Ptolemy XII, because according to Ptolemaic custom, a woman cannot reign on her own.

Interesting Fact #2
With her younger brother, Cleopatra rules the country for 4 years, until Ptolemy XII rebels against the queen and her ally Julius Caesar, loses and, fleeing, drowns in the Nile.

Interesting fact #3
Thanks to her charm and cleverness Cleopatra managed to seduce two famous Romans of the time – Julius Caesar and Mark Antony, thus ensuring the 20-year independence of Egypt from the Romans.

Interesting Fact #4
Cleopatra had four children: Caesarion (by Julius Caesar), Alexander Helios, Cleopatra Selene and Ptolemy II Philadelphus (by Mark Antony).

Interesting Fact #5
According to Plutarch, at the end of feasts in honor of Marc Antony, the queen gave important guests palanquins along with slave bearers, and less important guests were given horses in golden harness.

Interesting Fact #6
According to Plutarch, for the sake of conquering Caesar, Cleopatra ordered to wrap herself in blankets, tie with a rope and thus bring herself to politics. In doing so, she was telling the commander that she was putting herself at his mercy.

Interesting Fact #7
When Mark Antony invited the queen to the 1st meeting, she refused a couple of times. At the time, Cleopatra was building a ship with scarlet sails studded with rose petals to wow the commander.

Interesting Fact #8
The wastefulness of the queen had no limits, and her riches seemed immeasurable. That’s why ancient alchemists believed that Cleopatra possessed a philosopher’s stone that turned metal into gold.

Interesting Fact #9
According to the physician Galen, Cleopatra was fond of cosmetology. She helped Caesar to fight baldness by administering a cosmetic treatment with a mixture of red sulfur, arsenic and oak resin.

Interesting Fact #10
According to historical facts, Cleopatra collected all kinds of poisonous potions and often went down to the dungeon to conduct her experiments on convicted criminals there.

Interesting Fact #11
After the defeat at Actium, Mark Antony and Cleopatra form a “Union of Death Penalty” and vow to die together. On August 1, 30 B.C., upon learning of Cleopatra’s false death, Mark Antony throws himself on his sword.

Interesting Fact #12
According to one version, a peasant with a pot of figs entered the tomb of the queen, guarded by the guards of the Great Pontiff Octavian. It was this pot that contained the cobra that killed the queen.

Interesting Fact #13
If another version is to be believed, Cleopatra kept snake venom in a hollow headpin. It was this poison that the Egyptian queen and her 2 maids took.

Interesting Fact #14
According to historian Christopher Schaefer, Cleopatra did not die from a cobra bite, but from a deadly mixture of opium and hemlock plant that leaves no mark on the body.

Interesting Fact #15
Many people believe that Cleopatra was a beauty. However, historians are convinced otherwise. Scientists at Cambridge University have managed to recreate a model of the queen’s face. Cleopatra, by today’s standards, did not have any special beauty.

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